Ok, the Michael talk; went fairly well, but as usual raised a new lot of questions. it's funny that he said that in research you can't chase every rabbit down every hole, but I seem to have to do that to get this thing up and running.
administrivia first: some change in Federal funding guidelines as of October 2000 may mean -
may only - that a faculty might be less willing to let me convert from a masters to a PhD, because it's considered non-completion of the masters! how ludicrous that going to a higher degree is rated as "failure."
anyway, I'll have to go and ask someone at English about that; also someone called Helen in History and philosophy of science (see questions below)
he also suggested I talk to
Circit b/c he thinks they take on students; it looks from their site like they have "interns" who are in RMIT's masters program. hmmm..
on the academic side, I showed him my ratava/avatar diagrams and he suggested there were 2 ways of looking at it; that the person has rights over the electronic avatar (and that that is how the law tends to treat it) and the mark poster/ Sherry turkle view, that the avatars are the person. I think.
then he gave me all these books to read (not
gave, referred really)
sherry turkle: life on the screen:
N.katherine hughes: how we became posthuman (argument for the body, apparently)
Mark dery: escape velocity
flame wars
pyrotechnic something i can't read on my notes
Mark featherstone: cyberspace, cyberbodies, cyberpunk
mark poster: second media age - particularly on databases
and for research purposes:
steve jones: doing internet research
cresswell: qualititative inquiry and research desing - choosing one of five methods
erk. a lot of reading there for someone who still hasn't finished Digerati after 18 months of it being on my bedside table. or maybe two years?
must look into getting (paid) ex-student membership of the uni library - if it has these books.
next week's project is to sort out those admin questions and to see Darren at Swinburne to see if he's a sensible chap
and tomorrow: I graduate from the B.Litt.